Welcome to the Borough of Bell Acres established on March 14, 1960. Population is approximately 1,350. Bell Acres Borough is 5.5 square miles and is located in Allegheny County, conveniently located 20 miles from downtown Pittsburgh, PA. It is comprised of mainly single family homes, two parks, a premier youth recreational facility, and numerous hiking trails.
As per Allegheny County’s Hazard Mitigation Plan Update, we would like to invite the residents and businesses of Bell Acres Borough to participate in Allegheny County’s Public Survey. The survey link and flyer are provided.
Allegheny County Disaster Preparedness Survey flyer
Bell Acres Nature Park Litter Cleanup
• Sunday, April 6, 2025
• 12:00 PM 3:00 PM
• 148-156 Turkey Foot Rd Sewickley, PA, 15143
We are excited to announce our first litter cleanup of 2025!
Join us along with Bell Acres Borough, Mayor Ken Alvania, and Bell Acres Environmental Advisory
Council for a litter cleanup at the Bell Acres Nature Park! This beautiful area is 200+ acres of
conserved green space along Turkeyfoot Run. The area we will be beautifying was previously the
Umbstaetter Boy Scout camp and GAPA pool. The Bell Acres Nature Park also has a state natural
heritage area due to the presence of the rare red mulberry tree! Check out the link below and stay
tuned as we share more history about this super neat spot!
Where: Bell Acres Nature Park Address: Turkeyfoot Rd in Bell Acres When: Sunday April 6th 12-3
What to bring: Closed toe shoes, long sleeved shirts and pants, water bottle. We will provide the rest!
There is a considerable amount of broken glass at this location, so this cleanup is best suited for
ages 12+. (Under 18 with adult.)
Huge thank you to Bell Acres Borough and EAC for not only their partnership and planning, but also
their dedication to protecting green space for all to enjoy!
Quaker Valley COG Tree Adoption_Flyer_2025
Allegheny County Traffic Study
PennEnergy Permit Notices 7-19-2024
Press Release – LSA Grant Award
One-Time Boost to Property Tax Rent Rebate Program
QVCOG Drop-Off Yard Waste Program
QVCOG Glass Recycling 365 days per year!
Donations for the Bell Acres food bank will be accepted at the Big Sewickley Creek VFD.
Please leave your unexpired donation in the foyer entrance to the banquet hall during daylight hours.
Food boxes will be delivered on Wednesday.
If you need assistance or would like to help, please contact the Big Sewickley Creek VFD.
Due to the Coronavirus situation, and out of an abundance of caution, please be advised that the Bell
Acres Borough has taken steps to limit the exposure or possible spread of the Coronavirus within our
community. We have no greater responsibility than to protect the safety, health, and welfare of our
Therefore, Effective March 16, 2020, the Borough Municipal Building is closed to the public until further notice. Our staff is working and available. If you need to contact the Borough Staff, please call (412) 741-5448.
The Bell Acres Police Department will be handling non-emergency calls via phone, in order to limit
exposure. If you need to speak with a Police Officer for non-emergencies, please call (412) 741-3010.
For emergencies, please call 911.
Bell Acres History
YOU’RE INVITED…to share special memories, stories & photos of life in Bell
Acres/Sewickley Township. Now is the time to dig out those forgotten scrap books
& boxes of childhood photos. Please join in telling the Bell Acres story & preserving
its history for future generations.
Contact Bell Acres at jillpalko@bellacres.org
Phone: 412 741-5448 Fax: 412 741-6302