
Located at the corner of Big Sewickley Creek & Hitzel Hill roads.
Open sunrise to sunset.

This recreational park features 3 play areas, 2 basketball courts, a sand volleyball court & a large paved area for bike riding, skating, etc. The shelter is available on a first come basis.   No permit is needed. Motorized vehicles, open fires & alcohol are prohibited. At the edge of the park stands the Bell Acres Honor Roll for WWII military veterans.



The park is open from sunrise to sunset with the trail head located at the intersection of Sevin and Turkeyfoot roads. There are no facilities.

This heavily wooded 200+ acre greenspace surrounds Turkeyfoot Run and is part of the Big Sewickley Creek watershed. Allegheny County’s Natural Heritage Inventory includes the park in the Camp Meeting Woods Biological Diversity Area, which is exceptionally significant for its wide variety of trees, plants and wildlife.

        105 acres of the park are on the western side of Turkeyfoot Road. Bisected by Sevin Road, this tract was once Camp Umbstaetter, a popular boy scout camp in the 1920s and 30s. Scattered remnants of camp structures may still be found throughout the site. Ambridge’s Greek American Progressive Association later purchased the property for recreational use.

        In 1995-96, the 105-acre tract along with an additional 98 acres on the eastern side of Turkeyfoot Road was transferred to Bell Acres Borough by the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy on condition the land remain in its natural state and never be developed. A half mile trail extends eastward into the park from the intersection of Sevin and Turkeyfoot roads. Adjoining the park’s eastern edge is the Allegheny Land Trust’s 36 acre Beadnell Slope Conservation Area.

        Through the combined efforts of Bell Acres Borough, the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, the Allegheny Land Trust, the Little Sewickley Creek Watershed association and countless volunteers, much of the borough’s woodlands and waterways will remain “forever wild”


Located on Camp Meeting-Duff City Road – Built on what was once a dairy farm, the Bouchard Family Park is being developed on property belonging to the Quaker Valley School District. Operated by the non-profit Quaker Valley Recreation Association, the 37-acre park features two athletic fields, with additional fields and facilities in the planning stages. The signature Esmark Field is a premier youth baseball facility and home field for Quaker Valley High School baseball and softball.